Monday 3 October 2016

Hero: Donatello, Rafael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O’Neil

Villain: Shredder, The Foot Clan, Scientist Sacks

Beginning: A reporter by the name of April O’Neil is in investigating stolen cargo, with the mysterious Foot Clan behind it. She witnesses the foot clan at the docks. The docks and containers provide a good dark and effective ambush area. Shredder first appears but is kept in the shadows to keep up the suspense. Change in pace as action increases. Many people running away from foot clan attack in the underground metro. Reporter investigates and is taken hostage. Lights go out so the turtles cannot be seen as they beat the clan. Reporter finds and confronts turtles. The turtles are quite comedic and their attitude counters the previous serious tone of the hostage situation. April realises she knows the turtles as they used to be her pets and they were experimented on. April tries to get her boss to follow up on the story, but is rebuffed and fired. In the sewers Splinter, master of the turtles, remembers April and realises she is in danger. He then orders the turtles to find her and bring her to the sewers. April goes to the scientist that created the turtles. A bit of backstory about the scientist living in Japan. Invitation by the turtles to meet, they take her to their sewers. Splinter tells her about how they survived and mutated in the sewers.

Middle: We find out about the scientist working for Shredder, which is quite ironic as April initially trusted Sacks. Splinter informs us about Shredder being Sacks’ master. The underground lair is compromised as April had a tracking device on her person. Shredder and his henchmen attack the lair, with Shredder severely wounding Splinter and three of the turtles being captured and taken to a scientific facility. The atmosphere is quite dramatic and emotional when Splinter is being beaten up, and Rafael is trying unsuccessfully to help Splinter. Rafael and April travel to the scientific institute to rescue the other turtles. Rafael confronts Shredder in a boss type fight whilst April sets the turtles free. They then proceed to Manhattan, as Shredder has released the toxin that will poison New York City. As they do this they fight with the clan down the side of a mountain. When they arrive at the tower, the turtles go to confront Shredder at the top of the tower whilst April confronts the Scientist Sacks. The turtles try and fail to take on Shredder one-by-one. Eventually they all attack him together and with their combined talents, defeat him. Meanwhile, April takes the mutagen and stops the virus from being spread in New York City.

End: Shredder, April and the Turtles all fall off the tower as the top of it collapses, with Shredder landing particularly hard, with his fate left ambiguous, whilst he is surrounded by police and civilians. April and the Turtles go back into the sewers where they heal Splinter revel in their victory.

Set in New York City, specifically Manhattan.


I think that a third-person 3D action-based game would fit with the theme of the film quite well. It would be photo-realistic with cut-scenes to help progress the story along. The game would be both single- and multiplayer based, with AI controlling the turtles that the player is not controlling. Other players can join and take control of the AI turtles. The player would also be able to switch between characters, with different parts of the game only being accessible to certain controllable characters. For example, there could be an area that can only be unlocked by Donatello. It would be kind of similar to the LEGO series of games, character-wise.

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